For us, part of celebrating holidays means being appropriately attired.
Appropriately attired = festively dressed
I have discovered that the older the girls get, the harder it is to find them cute the holiday shirts. I took matters into my own hands and started my search via Pinterest. Immediately I found a shirt I thought was adorable, and headed out to JoAnn for my fabric. I bought way more than I neede. I have a plan in mind for the extra. I'll see if I can factor the time in for it.
After finding the fabric, the stars really aligned for me. I got an email from the Children's Place. There was a 20% off clearance items sale plus free shipping. My kind of sale. I found these "layering tees" for $2.70 each, plus 20% off, plus free shipping. I bought several. They come in handy for projects such as these.
My pattern came first pattern came from Fancy Frugal Life. This little elephant shirt is so cute. Perfect for my middle lady who loves elephants.
It was at this point in assembling the elephant that I got the idea for Grace's shirt, a butterfly. I tried to free hand a butterfly out of hearts. It didn't work so well. So I grabbed one of my quilt books and located a butterfly. I went with the pattern in my Little Blessings quilt book.
Total, both shirts took me less than an hour. The girls love them. I would have loved to give you a modeling photo, but they are both too busy for nonsense like that. For now, you'll have to settle for modeless photos........
Too, too cute!